Monday, August 20, 2007

8/18/07 Flagstaff Brewery (Flagstaff AZ)

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Flagstaff is a beautiful mountain town in northern AZ. We got to see the change from low desert in Tucson to cooler weather and pine trees in Flagstaff during the drive. The Flagstaff Brewery Patio series shuts down the down town mall and sets up lights and a stage outdoors. The staff was extremely nice and pampered us pretty well. Some people treat you like a janitor, but this staff was very gracious. They remembered the last time we were there in January when we almost endured a trecherous storm, but didn't miss the gig and played all night. This picture was taken from the stage during our second set. The people of Flagstaff definitely like music and like to party. It reminded me of a Santa Cruz or norcal party school. We couldn't hit it too hard after our sets becuase we had to wake up at 6:30am the next day. Thanks to everyone who came out, we'll be back soon.


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